the margrave quartet

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Both girls were on their knees in the den peering at something on the floor in front of them.

Soren: "whatsdat ?"
Ellaiden: "that's Noelle's"
Soren: "hmm"
Ellaiden" don't touch it ok, Soren, don't touch it"

What were the two of them talking about? Why, Noelle's new baby, Madeline Rose, of course!

4th of July in Dallas

For the 4th of July Richardson has this great little neighborhood parade and everyone comes to watch. Lots of fun. Lots of heat. Lots of time in the water!

This is the treehouse that Chris' Dad built for him when he was just a little tyke. Pretty Cool isn't it?

Yard play in NC

Beach Trip 2009 Kure Beach, NC

Once again it is the annual family beach trip! Lots of fun! Lots of stairs! Lots of Soren everywhere!

Easter 2009

Ellaiden's Birthday