the margrave quartet

Friday, January 11, 2008


So we are finally getting around to blogging again. Our main reason now to do it is because we know we won't remember what has been happening with our kids 3 weeks from now much less 3 years. We have also been getting the..."Hey, when are you going to update?" question too often :)

Soren is growing like a weed. She went for her 4 month check up last week and she is 11 lbs and 3 oz and is 23 and 1/2 in. tall. The wow factor in this is that she is taller than 65% of the kids her age right now. She must take after me (her mother). She is smiling all the time now except when Ellaiden is poking her in the eye (which is E's new favorite thing to do). She has learned to pull Ellaiden's hair in return. At Soren's two month appointment they told me to put her on her stomach at least 30 minutes every day. This happened twice in the last two months. The day we came home from the two month appointment (5 minutes) and the morning before her 4 month appointment. This last time she rolled right over as soon as I put her down. So at 4 months she is rolling over. Of course we don't REALLY know when she could have started rolling over because we never gave her the opportunity before then.

Soren has started a regular bedtime as well. Around 7 or 7:30 she goes to her bed and lets out a few rebellious "how could you do this to me" cries and then goes right to sleep. THIS IS A BLESSING!!! We are still working on the naps and getting rid of the pacifier. The naps are a problem because every time I put her down to sleep I turn around and Ellaiden has given her a toy and this kid LOVES her toys.

She is a pretty funny kid who loves her momma. She will be somewhere screaming her head off and then I walk in the room and she gives me the biggest grin. I then leave the room and she goes right back to screaming. THIS IS NOT A BLESSING.


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