the margrave quartet

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


To some most of it up, two statements out of my mouth this week....

"Hey, where did I put Soren?" This was said to Chris after we brought her home from the hospital. We found her in her bassinet just so you know.

"I sometimes pick her up and look at her." Said, to my mom which she thought was quite funny as I explained that Soren hadn't been getting much attention.

This week has been quite a bit more difficult than either Chris or I anticipated. Thus, the lack of announcing our newest one via email to all our friends and family until today. From pretty much the time we got home from the hospital with little Soren Litten, her sister Ellaiden has been sick. You can look to the previous blog about that one. But, what does that mean as far as the homecoming?

Well, it means every time one of us touches Ellaiden we have to then wash our hands before touching Soren. No, quickly popping in a paci without going into the bathroom to wash hands first. Our family can't all be in the same room together. Soren has to spend most of her days and nights in a bassinet in our bedroom while Ellaiden has the run of the house minus our bedroom. Ellaiden doesn't understand why she can't hold her sister and keeps putting her hands up to hold her when she sees us holding Soren. They are pretty funny. When one starts yelling the other one starts yelling and when one starts crying the other starts. It's kinda funny right now, but I have a feeling that isn't going to last long. If Soren is crying very hard then Ellaiden will run toward her and start talking and pointing and acting like she wants me to do something. She smiles at her and seems to really like her. We are ready for our family to be whole again. To take pictures of the two of them together and to be able to sit with Soren on my lap in the den. Yes, we are ready to see what it is REALLY like with two of the little tykes. After this past week I can't help but think that at least for the next little while it will seem almost bearable because of how hard this past week has been. I don't know what we would have done without Chris' mom here for the week. My mom comes Tuesday and we are looking forward to that help as well. Hopefully things will be a little more settled so I can actually enjoy her visit and she can enjoy her grandkids. Can't say that Jan (Chris' mom) has been able to do that this week. I just want to be able to kiss both my girls without worrying about spreading germs....


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