the margrave quartet

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Writing Things Down

Every time I tell my Mom something funny that Ellaiden does or when she learns something new our conversation goes something like this...

me...Mom Ellaiden gives kisses now and tight hugs

mom....Are you writing that down? You know that when she gets older she will want to know?

me...I know

mom...When the second one gets here you aren't going to remember who did what.

me... I know

mom...Your grandchildren are going to be asking you too.

me...sigh, I know...sigh...You are right...I need to (I honestly do know she is right and have just been lazy and now I can't remember half of the funny stuff)

So, after our 100th conversation similar to the above I will take a few minutes to put a few things in blog form and hopefully at some point print it off.

Things Ellaiden has done while I have been on the phone...this should be a warning to me.

1) She stole my bagel and scarfed down the whole thing before I noticed. She had never had a bagel before and only eaten little tiny torn off bits of food up to this point.

2) She crawled down half the driveway as fast as her little knees could take her. I was actually paying more attention out there.

3) She learned how to pull her goldfish out of the spill proof container and then crush them on the den floor one after another, and another, and another.

Things She Has Learned In The Bathroom

1) How to flush the toilet

2) How to throw things in the toilet and watch them float

3) How to throw stuff in the bathtub especially "underthings"...she loves to throw my "underthings" in the bathtub but this morning she took her diaper out of the trash can and threw it in the tub as the water was going away

4) How to take off an entire roll of toilet paper. It goes on forever and ever and ever


Hud taught her how to get off of a stool or couch. She is actually quite good at it.

She pushed the screen out of the window in our den and then threw our block out.

She likes to sit in her bed and sing before she goes to sleep. This could be for an hour.

She knows when she is in trouble and will crawl away from me as fast as she can.

She gives great hugs and kisses. She is a lot freerer with her kisses to females than males.

She likes to untie shoes. Chris and I don't usually wear shoes with strings but when my Dad was here he couldn't sit in the chair without Ellaiden pulling on them till she could get them undone.

She loves to swing really high in her swing and bounce up and down in her bed.

She likes to take Ccash's paci out of his mouth and then wave it around where he can't get it and then try to put it back in his mouth herself..usually the wrong way.

She drops her food over the side of her tray. We have tried over and over to say no and she has not stopped. Our next step was to swat her hand (yes, I know some of you may not agree with this but this is what we have chosen). The first time I did it she looked at me with no change of expression so I did it a little harder and (it stung my fingers). After that she looked at me like she wanted to know what I was thinking and then gave me a big grin. Mom's advise was to take her tray away the next time she did it. So, that evening she once again started throwing food on the floor. I unsnaped her tray and started to pull it away but she grabbed it and pulled it back on her lap and started eatinig again. The little stinker.


  • Yes, we are quite proud that she saves those kisses from the boys, except her dad! Love the new update. Hopefully see y'all soon! So excited about the news.


    By Blogger Amanda, At 3:40 PM  

  • this is too funny and now you can say you do have them down somewhere, the problem will be when you have two is remembering where that somewhere is, lol!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 9:24 PM  

  • Hi Jenny! Yea, Aislyn JUST stopped throwing food over the side, after several timeouts and really dirty looks from mommy. i hear its a phase. hers lasted from about 14 mos to about 17 mos or so. now, she just THREATENS to throw it over, so that we know she's done. why that's necessary, i'll never know. :)

    By Blogger amy, At 11:03 PM  

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